Family Fun · Motherhood

Summer Fun on a BUDGET

Summer Fun on a Budget

It’s summer time! It’s time to pull out those beach towels, the sunscreen, and the outdoor toys. Summer is exciting!! It makes for a great opportunity for our family as well as others to visit local museums, zoos, and water parks because the kids are out of school. The problem is after awhile these expenses start to stack up and sooner or later we find ourselves out of budget friendly options. Can you relate? If so, I put together 20 budget friendly summer ideas just for you! These ideas will help you stay financially conscious, intentional and in the longrun run will help you avoid the summer slump. Whether you are a working mama or a stay at home mama, we are all suseptible to the summer slump. This normally happens as summer starts to slow down and money gets tight- it happens. I promise you, you are not alone! All of that can change. I speak from experience when I say that it is possible to keep your little ones busy and happy without breaking bank. Sometimes it just require a little bit of creativity and motivation! Before we dive in, let’s set some SUMMER TIME GROUND RULES:

  1. Don’t put to much pressure on yourself! Take it slow. Do whatever works best for you and your family.
  2. Try to get out at least two times a week to avoid the summer slump.
  3. Sign up for Macaroni Kid and get a weekly local newsletter of kid-friendly events and activities in your area.
  4. Last but not least, drink coffee every morning! Adults only! Unless, you have a little four year old like mine who tries to steal my coffee when I’m not looking.

Now let’s get down to business…..

20 Budget Friendly Summer Ideas:

  1. Make homemade bubbles. This is our favorite DIY activity. And it will save you so much money overtime. I love this tutorial.
  2. Find a local park or little library that you and the kiddos can walk to.
  3. Make homemade snow cones. Snow cone makers are only $20 or less at Walmart. This is one of our daily rituals as a family. My kids are obsessed.
  4. Find a local toy store that encourages you to come play. We have one locally that is amazing and they market for kids to come in and try out their toys.
  5. Meet some friends at Chickfila and enjoy $1 ice-cream cone. If you trade in a toy, your ice cream is free!
  6. Paint rocks that you find in the yard.
  7. Build a birdhouse. Here are several options.
  8. Visit Barnes and Noble or your local library for story time on a rainy day.
  9. Go for a bike ride.
  10. Fly a kite. You can often find these at the dollar store.
  11. Trace each other’s bodies with chalk and compare body sructures.
  12. Visit the pet store. It’s like having a local free mini zoo without the line.
  13. Build with play doh or play with crazy sand.
  14. Go to a build and grow workshop at your local LOWES. This a free workshop for kids that happens twice a month.
  15. Let the kids explore the yard by digging dirt, finding bugs, and using it a time to teach them about creatures and plants.
  16. Have a water gun fight. Water guns are only $1 at the dollar store.
  17. Plant a flower or herb and watch it grow. This summer we planted a Venus Fly Trap and Pitcher Plant. They come in a kit for only $10 at Lowes.
  18. Have a picnic on the porch.
  19. Find a local lake, popular creek, or beach and do a scavenger hunt.
  20. Set up a lemonade stand. We are definitely going to try this!

I hope that this summer will be the best one yet for you and your family. I hope with these creative ideas you can enjoy summer time to the fullest. You don’t have to break the bank to get out and have fun with the kiddos. When it comes to staying on a budget this summer try to think (creatively) outside of the box, try something new, and most importantly take it slow. Enjoy every moment.

Today, I am joining eight other bloggers in sharing encouragement for your summer! There is a little bit of everything in these posts and we hope they encourage and inspire you!

A round up of 9 posts of encouragement for your summer!

Summer Reading Tips for Preschoolers at Grammie Time
Summer Fun on a Budget at Life Planted Here
Let it Go Summer Fun at Foxy’s Domestic Side
Celebrate Summer at The Queen in Between
A Summer of Grace & Gratitude at Oh Tiny Gifts
Craft with Purpose this Summer at While I’m Waiting
Summer Fun at Home: Family Picnic Favorites at Sweet Little Ones Blog
Taking Babies Camping: What to Pack at These Kids Mom
Finding Balance with Summer Routines at Living In This Season

9 thoughts on “Summer Fun on a BUDGET

  1. Love all of these! Such a great reminder that you can have a ton of summer fun without having to pay an arm and leg!


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